Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Well, here goes nothing!

So here I am, at the blogging world!  I have a lot to learn, that's for sure...but I am going to give it a go...
So why, do you ask, am I finally entering this realm?  It's simple, and a bit sad...I found out today that my favourite place to hang out, share tips and share my work will no longer be available as of January 15th. ACK!!!!  No more more chatting with people...:(  So, I have bookmarked everyone's blogs and am now creating my own.

Ok, so, I honestly have nothing new to show you that I have scrapped, but I will show you my fave of this past's my son at the end of our tree hunt...I just love this picture and the simplicity of the page.  Don't ask me what products I use, I couldn't tell you! (That's mostly because my stash is SOOO old!LOL)
  Well, that's it for now I suppose...I have to mess around with the look of this blog....


  1. WooHoo congrats on joining the blogging world! It's looking great!!

  2. yay Paula you did it!!! Love the look and I too am so sad about scrapbook star!!!! It was the one place I could go to and chat with people.

  3. Hi - Glad to see you have started a blog! I must get myself into action.

  4. looks great Paula. I look forward to following your blog.
