Sunday, 25 March 2012

Death and illness...

The last while has been quite the rollercoaster around here and that is why I haven't posted.  If you are my friend on facebook you will probably know all of what I am about to tell, if we are on a message board together you may know some of it.

I guess I will begin with Thursday March 8th....the day my husband's grandma died.  We knew it was coming, she had been in the hospital for a week and a half, had been sick at home for about 3 weeks prior to that.  We took the kids to see her in the hospital on the Tuesday and I am so glad we did.  Got the call at 6:30am.  I woke the kids right away so they could process the info before they had to go to school.  I stayed home.  While I was waiting for the call from Larry to meet him and his mom at her place I decided to start gathering pictures to use at the funeral home.  I figured it was only natural that the "picture queen" of the family take on this task and it turned out that my mother-in-law was happy I decided to do it.  So between what I had in the computer, in my old albums (we've been together for 24 yrs so there's a lot of family pics), and Ma let me go into Nan's albums, I was able to gather up over 60 pictures that I printed and did up 4 bristol boards to display at the funeral home.
This is Nan at 16...
This is Nan and my daughter Elysia in November, we were visiting her on the occasion of her 88th birthday.

She will be missed....especially her smile and her jokes!

So the March Break began with Nan's funeral on the Saturday.  Even though we were all brought together for a sad occasion, it was nice to see all the family.
The rest of the March Break was busy...Monday we went to see Happy Feet 2 and Rocky turned 3, Tuesday was the big cleaning day, Wednesday the kids had to see the orthodontist, Thursday Larry and I sang at a funeral for one of our choir members who had died suddenly a couple of weeks before, Friday I took the kids bowling, Saturday was Gregory's last hockey game of the season and Elysia was back to ballet.  Sunday was church and I took Rocky over for a birthday playdate with his sister Bailey.

And then....the sickness.....

Sunday after I got home with Rocky I wasn't feeling too hot so I went to lay down...figured I was tired because as usual my sleep patterns got all messed up on holidays.  Slept for 2 hours!  Didn't feel too great for the rest of the evening either.  Woke up Monday with a fever!  Oh no!!!  Woke up Tuesday with a fever but feeling marginally better...I did sleep pretty much all day Monday after all....Stayed home, but felt well enough to go to our staff meeting.  I sat apart from everyone though-just in case...good thing too because after attempting to go to work Wednesday morning but failing and then going to see the doctor it turns out I had "an influenza-type illness" (as he called it).  He said I had better stay home the rest of the week, given that I work with children...


I honestly do not think I have ever had the flu.  Nothing like this anyway....this was brutal!  I had fevers that peaked at 102F and with Tylenol never went below 99F, I was sweating or chilled, I had no desire to eat and sleep?  Did I ever!  On Thursday I woke up at 11 am and went back for a nap at 1! He said 5-7 days and sure enough, day 5 (Friday around 4pm actually) something clicked and I started feeling more like myself...much more present and aware of what was going on and actually caring.  Today (Saturday) I actually had a shower and got dressed and went OUT OF THE HOUSE!  That was big...I was wiped after being out for an hour and a half and I only went to my mother-in-law's while Elysia was at ballet.
So now, I am taking amoxicillin for this bronchitis-type cough (because we don't want it to become bronchitis of pneumonia) and darn it if I don't bloody pee myself with every coughing fit...grr...

You know what the worst part of this past week has been?  Well, other than being horribly sick....
I slept through all that fabulous weather!!!!  WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol...I walked out the front door with Elysia to take her to dance and said "Hey!  The grass is turning green!"  She said "It's been like that all week Mommy!"  I said "It wasn't like this last Sunday!"  Now I know why my son is feeling the need for his allergy meds....

And the best part about this week?  Yes...there was a good thing....

I lost 6 pounds!  It's a sucky way to do it but hey, it's gone I just need to keep it off!

Last time I posted I told you I had more projects to show you, but for now I had better go and get myself to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear of your loss and illness Paula. Glad you are feeling better and hope the cough is cured quickly with the med.
